The best guarantee is to buy the right building, from the right company, right from the start. This means that the building is well designed and constructed, uses the best materials available and that your supplier will be there in the future to provide any aftercare service and advice needed.
Warwick Buildings are a family company which has been building excellent quality timber buildings for over 30 years. With expertise second to none and the contacts to source the best materials, you can be assured that your timber building will stand out for all the right reasons.
It is of no surprise that nearly half of the Warwick Buildings sold annually are either as a direct result of personal recommendation, or to an existing customer including those with the most exacting demands such as Nick Skelton, Team GB Gold Medal Winner at London 2012. Like any top sportsman, Nick needs equipment and facilities that deliver to the same high standards that he expects of his own performance. We are proud to say that we have supplied Nick with stables, American Barns and ancillary timber buildings not only once in 2008 but again 2012/13 as he expands his operations.
THE WARWICK BUILDINGS REAL GUARANTEE We offer a guarantee all components of your building for a period up to two years. This may not appear to be as generous as some other guarantees being offered but we believe in our product and that any manufacturing/materials faults should they occur, would become evident within this timescale. In the unlikely event that a problem should occur after this time we assess each case on an individual basis and offer solutions to resolve the issue quickly and effectively.
THE WARWICK BUILDINGS REAL GUARANTEE We are committed to provide our customers with a wide range of choice both in terms of budget, and the variety of materials and joinery available, all of which will have different expected performance levels. For example, our Green Mineral Felt, one of the best of its type and used as a standard material on a number of our Garden Buildings, has a life expectancy of 5-7 years - whereas a roof constructed from the range of Metal Profile roofing materials is expected to last for up to 30 years.
THE WARWICK BUILDINGS REAL GUARANTEE Do talk to us about the expected performance of all types of joinery and roofing materials that we offer, but you can be assured whatever your budget, all material used on a Warwick Building will be one of the best of its type available, and it will be fit for purpose
Please note that timber buildings require a flat, hard surface (and suitable brick course where required) on which to stand and a basic routine maintenance schedule to keep your building looking as good as new